יום רביעי, 31 באוקטובר 2012

NEW MEDIA!Get with the times,
create new things,
introduce a new idea,
show the world what you have to share.

Show them that there is much more to come and that the world is much more interesting than it seems.

Just be creative!

Be artistic!

And have fun doing it!!

It's a combination of your creative side working along side you technological side

Here are a few examples:

So here is just the beggining of my understanding of new media.
Its only the first week of the year and I'm so excited to continue learning! To understand more, try new things, play along with ideas that will come to mind as the days pass.

Yet, there is so much to know about this wide spread topic and so much to explore, that I feel like I'll never get bored!

Okay, so for today I'm done writing but don't worry there is more to come! (: